School Sport NT Incorporated is registered by the Department of Education and Training under the NT Associations Act to facilitate representative sporting programs for Northern Territory students.
An incorporated association since, 1986, School Sport NT was formed to bring together voluntarily run primary and secondary school associations under a legal entity supported by a dedicated executive officer employed by the Department of Education and Training.
School Sport NT was the vehicle for systemically continuing the facilitation of sporting opportunities for students which had begun in the late 1960s.
School Sport NT believes that sport is an important part of the lives of Territorians and school sport provides early exposure for students to the broad educational and life lessons of discipline, tolerance, patience, trust, responsibility, self-motivation, self-confidence, accountability, teamwork, time management resilience and respect.
To provide opportunities with strong links to the Australian curriculum using sport as a vehicle for students to engage, grow and achieve.
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Inclusivity.
- To provide a range of appropriate School Sport NT programs for all NT students aged 10-19 years in the year of competition.
- To enhance the status of sport education and representative sport programs as integral components of the Northern Territory curriculum.
- To ensure that educational outcomes form the basis of all Sport Education and School Sport NT programs and that they are appropriate for the mental and physical development of students.
- To contribute to students’ healthy lifestyles and lifelong learning by providing opportunities to enhance quality of life and increase interest and participation in sport education.
- To promote opportunities, recognise participation, and celebrate the outcomes of students. School Sport NT currently operates under a board of principal delegates representing the schools of the six Department of Education and Training geographic regions of the Northern Territory.